Terminal 00
Pathetic isn't it? Nothing. A vast nothingness.
An immense waste. So sad.
Although you already knew that.
With one look it's easy to tell.
But I can give you something of worth.
I can tell you which way to go.
Yes indeed, there's a lot of nothing here, but if
you look closer, you'll see all of those dots,
Naturally you can only see them because of me, but
what else do you see?
A lot of them.
Lots and lots.
Far more than your tiny little mind can even
So, which dot is right? No, not right as in
left and right you complete buffoon.
What I mean is, which of these will take you towards something of
You can't tell. Obviously. All you
have to rub together is nothing and nil.
Such a
shame. But as I said, I'll point you in the right
It's the 53rd dot. That's the one that
will lead you deeper, yet in the right direction.