I must be dreaming.

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Release: December 18, 2021

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Recent update thoughts: 

Let's pretend that you understand what all of these filled-in 
bars represent... Anyway, as you can see, there's only one area left to complete. 
(There are also many loops I need to come up with for everything that is "done", and I need to 
put everything together in the end. Plus there's assets for maybe 2??? one-off pages that aren't 
done yet, but they aren't "areas" and they don't get a cool bar to look at. Just imagine a 
very small bar beneath these ones, and imagine that it's half-filled with tears.)

SSStill, that's most of everything done with. 

If you hadn't noticed, the ETA is an actual release date now. 
I believe it's achievable, but only because I'm dropping something off of my list of things-to-do. 
I don't feel that motivated to work on one page for 3 months again, so you'll have to forgive 
this omission. Maybe I'll get to it later...


I might fuck up some stuff when I upload the update. 
Double-checking my work is difficult when there's so much of it, and I 
might not be able to get off from work to be there to sift 
through it all on the big day.

Please be patient with me when the Moon of Codes arrives.