You’re in the know, right?
. . .
Transmitting data on “CoS” now…
Corruption of Space, otherwise known as CoS,
is the phenomenon, (and / or process), which
“corrupts” space absolutely. Space, in this
instance is, of course, tied directly to
time, and all other known aspects of
existence. The corruption, though inescapable,
is localized, thus CoS is more appropriate
than CoTaS, (Corruption of Time and Space),
as time is only reduced absolutely in the
affected area(s). (Referrals to spaces and
areas is more easily understood by probes
and the like, additionally, much jargon has
been removed from this data. You may thank
the eel for that.)
On the point of simple probes, it often occurs
to probes that they cannot “see” the CoS. That
is, of course, because once space has been
corrupted, it no longer exists for us. Rarely,
interactions on theoretical levels can produce
visual aberrations around CoS points which
make them appear as spheres of “darkness”,
yet those are merely the aftereffects of very
rare and fleeting interactions between the
space which has yet to be lost and the CoS
point. The CoS lies further in, even if such
an aberration is to be observed. Still, this
is not to be counted on. Only the most severe,
lasting, and ruinous of CoS points can
interact in such a way to produce such a
phenomenon, and these are almost always
hidden away behind oh-so-many lesser points
of CoS that you can’t detect as easily. So,
as it were, you will likely be annihilated
long before being at an appropriate distance
to visually confirm such a rare thing, and
even if you do somehow pull that off, the
other CoS points will likely grow to such
a size that you won’t be able to remember
what you saw, as you’ll be annihilated.
Those who discovered the Gate often spoke
of an inescapable fate:
“Despite the multitude of multiverses we
beckoned forth, all were destined for the
same end. Past the boundaries we had
surpassed, where one may freely persist
in-between dimensions, we always met that
persistent enemy. Time, and time again.
No matter their many makings, all
possibilities were yet another variation
before the same eventual outcome.
Cold, calculated, corrupted…”
This, of course, is the same CoS which
has annihilated (nearly) all Terminals.
(And, if the Gate is not opened, the CoS
will certainly annihilate all remaining
Terminals without delay. This is, of course,
common information, yet it is worth
repeating for lowly probes.)
Corruption of Space always grows.
(Though there may be a way to slow
its growth, or perhaps even stop it
momentarily, that is entirely unknown.
It is postulated that those who devoted
themselves to the Gate had the best
chances of learning of such a method,
yet there are no records which delve
into their thoughts on the matter. )
Its growth cannot be predicted, however.
CoS does not follow any discernable
patterns, and tends towards the erratic.
Still, it does not recede. Once CoS has
taken hold, it will only take a short
duration of time for the surrounding
spaces to be consumed as well. (All
known dimensions are equal in this.
The growth is equally erratic in all
instances, and cannot be ceased by
any means, other than opening the Gate,
One could easily mistake CoS as a byproduct
of thermodynamic processes, yet CoS extends
well beyond such base laws of reality.
While it is true that where Corruption of
Space has spread there is no available
energy left to be used for any further
processes, it is more absolute than that.
If one were to revert time, to seek out an
earlier date when there was the possibility
of persisting in the space, to explore it
before CoS took hold, then that foolish
traveler would be engulfed by the
Corruption of Space in turn.
Once the corruption of any given space has
occurred, it permeates the past as well.
One might think that this would undo any who
were there in the past before CoS had taken
hold, and undone the past in turn, yet that
is not true. It seems that only attempting
to interfere with the phenomenon by way of
going back in time and / or exploiting
interdimensional traversal will incur the
CoS’ wrath. (Altering probability holds no
sway over CoS either. Neither for,
nor against.)
What is more, though there is no possible
way to exist, (nor utilize any of the
energy in the CoS’ sphere of influence),
there is energy to be had. This is much
unlike other processes which are similar
to CoS in some ways. True, one cannot
utilize any of the given possibilities
which have been engulfed in the corruption,
but it still exists. Though it has been said
earlier in this document that, “…where
Corruption of Space has spread there is no
available energy left to be used for any
further processes…”, it is more accurate
to say that the energy, while being entirely
inaccessible, though it no longer exists
within its original universe… it has not
been erased. Though, it is important to
note that it has been removed from its
original point. Where the distinction
ultimately lies, however, is that the
energy exists elsewhere. In the instant
that CoS takes hold, all further
possibilities, all matter, all antimatter,
all elements of time and space and so on
and so forth, are erased… only to us.
Though, what has been seemingly erased for
us does persist elsewhere. Where, we do not
know. No such data lies in any remaining
Terminals. Only, those who discovered
the Gate were certain that there was
someplace where all CoS lead to: “All
corruptions demand our end, and yet… There
is a coalescence. What is an end for us is
yet another weaving of threads. Coiling,
they spin onward… And the Gate beckons us.”
Ultimately, interacting with any given
point of CoS results in the immediate
end of whatever was foolish enough to
interact with the corrupted space. Many
differing attempts to traverse CoS points
have been tried, with the knowledge of
those who discovered the Gate in mind,
yet all expeditionary forces and other
such schemes have only resulted in the
complete loss of all expended resources.
Further understanding of CoS is
secondary to opening of the Gate.
. . .
Ending data stream.