• We remember the dead, until we forget, but the Ivory Dove does not forget.

    • Her prudence was without compare, 
      her words saved us... 
      She saved us all too many times... 
      And yet, when the time came, 
      I couldn’t save her.

    • Titania... 
      Ah, why did you have to be so lovely? 
      You were the first crack on our system... 
      The reason we are were we are now.

    • The agent of temperance, 
      but the snake and apple made that title lesser.
      I suppose I should’ve done more,
       I should’ve searched for a replacement, 
      I was supposed to destroy you, 
      but even now, with our  desire shared, 
      I could never bring myself to do so.

  • Done looking?.

    Certainly, you might understand a little more of our situation now,
     dear traveler.

    Your heart...
     It’s ours now...

    At least I hope so.
    This way, please.