Oh, deary me! It looks like we've a vistor, hmm?
A serendipitous encounter, down here in the Terminals.

There you go, zooming on and about... So cute, yet such a disgusting little flea.
Absolutely vile. Atrocious, even. You gross fucking nosh.
I'd squeeze you dry and find nary a spoonful of tea.

Ah, but I must introduce myself, no? I am Sanguinoko.
I like drinking tea, and attaining tea to drink. I don't like anything else.
I think everything else is terrible.

But lucky me, I came across these Terminals,
and found that they were just full of the stuff!

It was like a dream I had, where you'd find tea flowing all around you,
wherever you looked. Warm... Boiling, even! Rivers of the stuff.
You couldn't live long enough to drink it all! Not without
being revived a few dozen times, at least.

So I've carved out a home for myself down here,
with access to all the tea I could ever want. Though...
I did come to realize that I enjoyed extracting it myself.
For its own sake, perhaps. It was fun. And I haven't been able
to do it much down here. I got in trouble last time I tried.

So... hmm! I guess you could stay and relax with me
for a while, perhaps enjoying a spot of tea!

Although, there's something lurking beneath us...

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