[Archive log 266214:

"This Structure was recorded by a probe shortly before a terminal was lost long ago
due to the {\\\\} incident. An unknown watcher has reconstructed an approximation
of it's appearance from the data recovered from said probe shortly before it was recycled
in the post moon-code purge of XXXX. It appears to be a cross between a lighthouse and a
pyramid. It shines a strange colored light from the top but it seems it's projection
and the center structure has become unbalanced; perhaps due to foundational shifts.
However it seems some black vegetation has grown around and inside
the structure and kept it standing despite the damage suffered.
at the base the probe recorded this inscription:

'Here stands a mockery to symmetry
that which defies common sense
Offensive to the eyes is this imagery
rebellious light; a capital offense.

Who would dare love such a thing?
yet here I write these words of affection.
when my gaze falls upon it one can't help but sing
about the beauty of it's Defections.'

The author is unknown, but the watcher theorizes they were quite the fool."

- End log]

"If in need of a maid;
please make use of this sign
useful for tricky plays
or company for a long dive"

Atop the tower of solidus desires,
Stands the tender of dreams.
Adored in liquid attire,
Wielding a staff of flower seams.

Directing the serpent of passion,
A harvester of dead wishes.
Recycled, refined; reanimated ashen.
A meal fit for stubborn witches.

Do not disturb this peaceful worker,
Lest you trigger a wild berserker.