The word Moon doesn’t make me feel anything. What is it even supposed to mean? Can you eat it? Can you pray to it? Can you roll it up into a prism and make it talk?
Me? I don’t know. Here’s an idea: dolls are related to the Moon. That’s what I hear. So maybe they live in it? Or on it? Or maybe they’re not living at all. I’ve never seen a doll before. Can you see them? Can they see you?
Oh, so dolls have eyes and teeth, but they don’t need them? Are they fake, or maybe they can do everything without them… But what does that mean about the word Moon? How do you even pronounce it anyway?
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theerree soo ifyou can thinkits notabout it then if you breaking the breaking the ccccc so perhaps then theresno well if you really when theres a chance stop give up and just go for it then theres no possible way to go forward die just die but don’t give up yet because you’re nott reaaaaaaaaaaallly dead yet look at the worms they canbebebeeeeeeee then its real in your heartttt they get cuuut into split half pieces of blood cannot be used as effective lubricant bbbbbbut there is an alternative usage wwwwwhen the passaffege offfffft imetime resets you u can n take off the takeway is that frankly you all need ppppprofeessionalalalalall gloves withgrips and lots ofpainkillers you might need maybe fifty to seventyfive men and mmOOns aaaaa nd I mean really strong smelling odors tthatttt willget you high you will be fucked up and youuuu will want to chokeyourmother but stop seriously turn around lookyourslfffefllfl in the eye and just reheat it in the ovevvvven nen for at leasaaastt onehundredmillion years or so give or take its all inthe technique if you know then you donttttt know CCCodes yourestupid ugly and mostofall a very good friendto criminalsgangsters and basicallyyyyyy piecesof shit that wouldnt evennn make for useful cannon fodder nowww makesure to scout regularly vevevevn if your faceis bleeding and the skin is melting off likea hotstick of butter