Are you done pontificating? Are you prepared to shut your jittering mouthpieces together and listen to the truth about what it is and what it isn’t?
Well, are you?
Your expectorant and spittle alike has covered this entire room after your long-winded tirade, and yet you have yet to address IT.
The paths are linked. Roads cross once more.
A crossroad unlike any other has been revealed on this night without light.
Do you dare to look towards the pith of this discussion?
What makes its aura so foreboding, you ask? It’s a good question.
But there’s a better question, you know.
And that is: why is it coming for us?
Think about it. Maybe it’s the same question, but still, think on it. Before it’s too late.
Right, like the way it is so small and smiles at you with such a beautiful face… it just makes you want to scream, it’s so MOON!!!!
Right, that’s part of the whole point of this talk.
What is Moon?
Well, what isn’t Moon?
Can’t be Codes? Right????