i cant hear any of you anymore? hey, is this thing on? ??
what, I’m being removed from this talk? what do you mean?
I just explained what CUTE is, that’s what this was all about from the start!
twentyfourseven stopcorrectingme stupiddigitaldevice i dont want to capitalizeeverything because thats my styleand mystyle is howi wasabletofigure out thattwentyfourseven is relatedto thethings thatterminal 00is so focused on iguess theyhave limitedtimeforeachday whichisstupid becauseyoucanjustaddmore numbersarenteven real haha so im thinking that maybethe limitationis relatedto the moon sincemaybe that limitationdoesnt matterinthat realitybut leakinginto thisone it actuallymanifests in a tangibleway
justa thought