YYeeeaa benebenbennebenbenenbenn invo a magical STOOM
upside bend, downside DEEEAD12121
Never touches benbebenbebnebnebenenbenebn
333Never touches
KAKI 00 xSOOO2OxOOxxGMOM6EMxE3OFxxxxMSEOA3SOE6MAOE2xMAOWxxDAODxMA6ONGOSOMFSOExMNFAxON3AxxOWDMAWODMNG there’s something wrong with my sparkling strings xzxzx22
You touch the strings, got the BENS, GAH, keep that shit to yourselvES! Ben en BOKE a STORM
Hehh wait till you’re upside down, upside down… KIRAKIRA’ddddddd but there’s not much to be callING aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(so, these messages are supposed to be entirely unrecoverable, but… uh… I can still sort of read them? talk about a major oversight)
AAAAaaA Time-sensitive offer.
Aa Time-sensitive offer.
aAaahhhhh…. (im smiling right now) AaaaAAaAAaAaAAaA Time-sensitive offer.
AAaaAAAaaAAAa(im smiling so hard right now, you can’t even imagine it Time-sensitive offer.
) AaaAaAaAAAAAA Time-sensitive offer.
Time-sensitive offer.
aaaAAAaaAAAAHHHAaaAAHAAAAHHHHHHHHH Time-sensitive offer.
HHHHH(im in so much pain from smiling right now, Time-sensitive offer.
it’s insane how ha Time-sensitive offer.
rd I’m smiling at this moment) AAAAAAAA Time-sensitive offer.AAAA Time-sensitive offer.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Time-sensitive offer.
Why are we here? Just to hurt one another? To make temporary gains? To take what we may during the duration of this transient thing we call “life”? …or to seek out this why? I’ve had enough of this cyclical existence, this cyclical thought process. There’s no way out without taking refuge in illusion, but it’s as temporary as it gets… Oh, what a fate this is. Infinite possibilities pass us by, while we are locked up in this moment, chained by flesh, awaiting the inevitable dismantling of our fragile configurations!
Unrecoverable. Unrecoverable. Unrecoverable. Unrecoverable. Unrecoverable.
Unrecoverable… wait. No, this is somewhat recoverable. Linking data to you now…
“…and sox, with this, we can safely say that it camex from beyond our own world. That’s right, it didn’t just coxmxe from down from the sky, it fell froxm a father plxace axltogethxer. The charts xbehind you prove that xthis thing is frxom another dimexnsion, but there’s still much data xto sift throuxgh, and so there coxuld be even more to learn from this lastx probe. Noxw, gentlemen, how does this change our current situatioxn? Well, it changes everythixng! We need to call offx our attack this instant! We’re not xeven surex if it xcan be…”
I can see you.
[message cannot be displayed]
The xfragmxent xhahaxhahaha… What a xfarce. Is thxere ever onlxy one fragmxent?x If you breaxk xa pxaxne of glass axxnd enxd up with only one fragment, was it evxer brxoken tox begin with? Ah, yoxxu know as welxl as I do, yes, of cxourse you do. Ah… xthe fragment xis, the fragxmenxt was…
I “v””””r’”e’a’d’’’v’”” ONline that T H E “999999” > watcher appeals to ???_au(3)tis-tic-?] users(eggs). Is this true?
?You think you’re a hero? ? ? Is that some ??? sort of ??? Joke.
You can’t even save yourself.
Just look at you. By the gods, by the gods…
!!error!1 message is 1!eroro!!1 !A!!! this message!1 iss ! Error!
Do0 xv2no5t appr0ojafxxch -the 7No2_rth.x Pj^%2lveasxe, stay avf2wayxx.j
I’0ve cogme to xu1n^derstand t10what these 0creatu0res don’t 2nex1e0d to e^at to survive. You can’t wstarv0De0 t0h0em xout, a2wnd you ca0n’2tw kill thWem we^^asily. xTghis damwnedx00 curse, it’2s to xwb*lamew, but what wSca0n 0w0e do about0 it??
Hahaha, there’s no way that this random string of text has a whole hidden path behind it… unless?
Lights strxeaming across xwalls - now xeffaced; melting the air,xx incinerating lesser shadxows.
Flowexrs bloom in xthe suspexnded citixes, rife wxith teeth. Petals curl, xstems sxpin, and across eaxch: a forebxoding grin.x
Argent argentargentnnnn from above, rising, spinninignigningigngi SPINNING up our lives.
[message has been NULLED]
T1h111is is111 a p1r1111i1s1on
The 15Arcxxqents are 5beyond perowerful when you real8ly think aqboutx it… Butx are0 they p0owerful enou1gh to readerrxere mXy gmessage afqter I’0ve55 plaerrced it here? Is tqherro0trtrat s0omething1 they’re capable of doinzg? I guesrrs we0’ll have to finxd outX… Wel0l, y5ou w5ill. Not me, bXXecause5 I’m already deadvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.
The spiseeres seeare not randoseemsee. They seseerve a higseeher purpose. Thinseek on it, why wseeould theseey do whatsee they do? Whatsseeee is the seemeaning? Ah, look, anseed you shall see. see
This area shouldn’t be monitored as closely as the other areas… So, I’ll say it here. The Speaker of Terminal NULLnullnullnullnullnullnullnulnlunlunlunlunlnlunl. It’s what is causing this here and CEASE.
[This message has removed for your safety.]