Information on BPF BENEFACTORS.
[REDACTED]… haha… nah, there’s information in this file.
But, really, most of it is [REDACTED].
We can’t tell you much about our BENFACTORS, because it would endanger the safety of our operations. I’ve taken the liberty of rewriting this file a bit to lessen the [REDACTED] points and instead actually tell you a little about them…
Now, we don’t really know how many of them there are.
For some reason, they all look different from one another, but they say they’re all the same. They wore the same “holy helms”, and they all took an oath of [REDACTED].
Additionally, they came from [REDACTED]. Which, I think, is pretty far away from here. I don’t think it’s in the Terminals, at least…
They say that, before coming here by [REDACTED], they were able to “manipulate the weather”. Whatever that means????
Yeah, sorry, lots of [REDACTED] points, can’t say much else. BYE!