Was it wrong? Pulling his teeth. No longer would he need them. Since he died. Tell me, please, is that wrong? What is the right thing to do? Do I let the teeth disintegrate? Or is it that I should have had something else remove the teeth? Was it wrong to put them to use in my own body? Chewing my meals. Mincing the meat. Is that an incorrect usage of someone else’s teeth, even if they’re dead? I don’t know. So please, tell me. Was I wrong?
I got so depressed I stopped eating along with not caring.
Help help helph hlepl help. @!!!! HELP HELP HLEPEL MEEEEE there’s nothing left to me. HELP HEL HHPLPLP LPLELPELPL PHHELP m,e MEMEMEEEEMEEeee there’s nothing left within meEeeEeeEEEEEEEEEEeEEEeEEEeEEEEEeeEEE
Done with living and stuff. Will procure any tools needed for my own disposal, and pay for the deed to be done swiftly.
No way this can end well… With everything at my disposal, they were contacted. But it cost me everything. Humans have the silly notion of “hell”, you know, but it doesn’t bother me, since there won’t be anyone waiting for me where I’m going. Not even a demon would be happy to see me. Everything… I’d give it all away again. Again. And again.