AMM IcUTE?! I need to be cute or else everything will end.

Please tell me that I’m attractive. 
Please tell me it’s so. 
Please tell me this is the truth. 

Please tell me. Please tell me.

You can’t comprehend attractive values of this caliber.

OOOooo it’’’’’’’’s sOOO CYuuuTee!!! ! ! ! ! !!  ! !!1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1!  1 1 11

Let me increase my physical appeal by a factor of 500.

oh… this is just absolutely terrible

wearing this wil…l increas…e appeal by many PPPoints I think.

sy>mptoms of being too attract^tive include&DYINGandyourBoDY becoming SSSlush.%

the bells are ringing, the bells are ringing…

If this isn’t done, I’ll cease to be.

I have to be as cute as her I have to be as cute as her I HAVE TO BE

EXTRA LOVE can make u cuter??>!

Required:love Reward:im cuter

does tlking like this mk me cuter?????????????????

Cute hearts in my eyes, heart pupils, rosy cheeks, cute smiles, big warm energy

tttttttiiiii ineedd to eat hearts they are cute eat hearts right now nnonononnownwwwwwWWWW

Don’t worry, I’ll become cute. I have to do this. I must%%%

When I finally become the cutest, will the victory be sweet?

Someone is CUTer?RRRRR????????????????????????????

what was it it is it was ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have to be more like…….

if everyone else is dead then i’ll be the cutest being alive

cute bows

I’ll gouge out their eyes. I’ll leave them bleeding.

99if I were cute 44 then even if22 my head was 00 gone11 I would be prettyyy55 cute still88, right?77

cute decapitation 

DON”t”T”T   you    FOR GGGGET,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, idiot you idiot……..

tell me if im getting cuter or not with this newest update to myself OOOKay/? Allllright, here it is I si isi is Am I cute? 

Are you going to assault me because I’m so cute??1 eLweWell? 

rain, rain, stay all day, let your waters never wane

rain, rain, pour some more, and wash away all this pain

If everyone doesn’t love me then I’m not cute enough to be as cute as a doll 
and if I’m not as cute as a doll how could I EVER be as cute as I need to 
be to REMEMBER HER?!A??!!a!

Maybe this face should be hidden.

Cute lacerations 

Cuter than me????????????????????????????????????????????????

That’s not funny.

That bitch will soon learn that bone fractures aren’t so cute~!

What are you?

I need to remember, I have to remember.

Teeth can be scary, but teeth can be cute.

Unknowns can be cute too.

Cute lace

T,/elllm e wh/en I sho2uld! rem0v..ethe co0versof myyyyssooUll

I can still hear her voice.


Oh, this just isn’t right… by now I should be… I should…

Your body will be used responsibly to enhance my own cuteness. 
If you don’t understand, 
then that’s fine, because no one should be able to understand this 
level of appeal except for ME.

Is sadness cute? Should I cry more often?

Could I be as sweet as a lollipop? As sweet as a sodapop?


If I’m more like HHHer then I must be MMMOre. aaaaA aa AA aaaAAA

Something has obfuscated their voices once more...

No matter, I shall make you LISTEN