Mmmm hmm hm hm hmmmm~
mmmhmhmhm hmmmmm
Suuu su su su suuuuuuuuuuuuu~
Oh, hello there~!
I was just humming to myself, but if you’re here, I may as well make myself useful.
With the way you’re probing, I can tell that you might be looking for the Speaker of this Terminal, correct?
Hmmm… I can’t understand probe! Hahaha, oh well. You’re probably sick of these one-sided conversations, but my creator seems to have lapsed when it comes to understanding your language.
Oh, but what a wonderful creator it is~! Every piece of me: a little universe unto itself!
It’s so utterly complex that it simply makes me want to weep!
Ah… But there’s plenty of time for crying over beautiful things. For now, let me return back to you. You’re a probe. You’re probing. So, of course you’d be looking for the Speaker who is quite hidden indeed.
The Speaker of this Terminal, of Terminal 44527, it happens to be my creator, you know?
Well, you do now!
However, I don’t know where my creator is. Maybe it isn’t important to know where they are, or what they’re doing at this moment. As the Speaker of this wonderful place, I’m sure they chose to make me this way with a great deal of care in mind…
And this Speaker also gifted me with a great appreciation of probes! And though I can’t hear your voice, I do love you so! It really is a miracle that you can be so small, yet keep going no matter the dangers involved. You’d give your life for the Terminals, even if you didn’t like it. Ah, my creator wanted me to repay this love with love in turn.
Even if I never see you again, I do love you, little probe~!
Or you could ask your Creator to make it so.